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100mg The campus is situated in the proximity of B.N. Khalsa Senior Secondary School (aided), Sirhind Road, Patiala with its main entrance on the Tripuri Road.
The construction of school building was completed within a short span of less than one year. The building is spacious and functional. Apart from the Teaching Block, it has a separate Administrative Wing which consists of Principal's Office, faculty room, reception and School office. In course of time, additional accommodation is being provided to meet the growing needs of the school.
Spacious grounds have been provided for meeting the requirements of the major and the minor games. The school follows CBSE and the NCERT syllabi and guidelines in teaching methods. For proper development of students’ personality, value education is imparted. It has sufficient materials in the form of library books, audio-visual aids, smart classes with interactive board, computer technology, art, music and sports, which are utilized for imparting better education.
The school campus is free from pollution. Spacious lawns and play fields provide a healthy surrounding. The school has got CBSE affiliation upto 10+2 level. The school offers streams namely Science (Med., Non-Med), Commerce and humanities.